We help businesses create smart, adaptable, and future-friendly products for mobile and beyond.

Founded in 2003 by Bryan and Stephanie Rieger, yiibu is a user experience design and consulting firm with a deep expertise in mobile and emerging technologies.

How we work

We're small :-)

When you hire Yiibu, you get the two of us. Period. Staying small means we have little overhead and can focus entirely on the work we do. We don't leave your project to juniors, or farm work out to other companies or contractors. As such we tend have a lot of repeat business; so much in fact that we typically work with only a few very special clients each year.

We're experienced

We have extensive mobile experience and specific expertise designing for highly diverse and globally-distributed audiences.Our process is highly iterative and includes frequent prototyping and on-device testing using our in-house lab. This enables us to spot performance and compatibility problems early on, and involve necessary stakeholders to ensure that your creative, technical and business goals are realized.

We work with you

If you choose to work with us, we will get to know your company, your customers, and your product. Not because we want to up-sell you, but because mobile isn't just a project—it's a journey. We're happy to work with your management, engineers and stakeholders to understand and explore the impact of mobile on the success and profitability of your organization.

A few of our clients

Areas of expertise

Strategic consulting

  • Research and analysis
  • Stakeholder guidance and training
  • Multi-device approach and delivery
  • Product strategy (emerging technologies, user behaviour, global usage trends)

Design Services

  • Multi-device user experience design
  • Cross-platform (web and Android) responsive and adaptive design
  • User experience evaluation (heuristic and on-device testing)
  • UX best practice and technical documentation


  • Rapid prototyping
  • Front-end development
  • Hands-on consultancy (e.g. design and performance optimization)

Our thinking

We hold workshops, speak at conferences around the world, and regularily publish our thinking through our presentations. Here are just a few of our more popular ones. For regular news and insights, please check out Stephanie's blog or follow Bryan and Stephanie on Twitter.

Upcoming appearances